So, if you haven't purchased this game, then you're missing out on the game of the year and the game of the decade on a top 10 list. Especially Agent Jayden, I love his east coast accent, it makes him sound legit, he even looks the part too even though his mo-cap actor is fully European. It will win in the male and female voice acting department, because all the actors behind the mo-cap suit are under-rated actors. This game will win a few awards and will be nominated for game of the year 2010. Some RPG's do that, but are they nearly as detailed as Heavy Rain? I think not. It should inspire other game developers to make you have a more thorough choice and consequence system. This game will revolutionize the gaming industry forever and it should. Sometimes you wish you hadn't made a choice in one event and you want to go back, well, you can always restart from that chapter and it will erase all your progress that you are currently on, or play the game naturally to see one of the many endings this game presents you with. The game is rumoured to have up to 20 different endings, which means depending on what you do in each chapter and event to your characters or the way you interact with the other non-playable characters in the game it WILL effect your ending. His inter-active drama is about hitting the buttons at the right time, you miss one or two, it's game over for your character, but that doesn't mean your game ends, your story will pick up on to the next 3 available characters and so on. He manages to make you a part of the story, to draw you in. Writer and Game Director of Heavy Rain, David Cage writes a phenomenal story that you'd expect to see it win Oscars and Golden Globes. That's all I will tell you for now, the rest is up to you to find out. He kills them by letting the rainwater fall on them till they suffocate. The Origami killer takes children between ages 8 and 10 every fall, and puts them under a grated pipe with a lock. The game takes place in the fall season, so it's no wonder why everything is depressing, but according to the investigation, that's when the Origami killer strikes. Each chapter has a very depressing tone to it, it rains nearly every single time, and the skies are cloudy, always. We each get a Point Of View of how the Origami killer has or is affecting their lives. The story shifts around chapters and events with each of the four characters to balance it out. I won't spoil it for you, because it had me by surprise, BIG TIME. A private detective for hire who's out to get leads on the Origami killer and gets closer to the truth. You have Madison Page, a journalist who disguises herself as a photographer to whomever she meets, all she wants is a little inside story on a victim's father about the Origami killer, and finally you have Scott Shelby, my favourite character. You have Agent Jayden, an FBI investigator sent to investigate the latest killing of the Origami Killer. You have Ethan Cole, father of two, an architect who's living his American dream. Heavy Rain isn't your ordinary game, it's an intense, inter-active experience that guides you into four character's worlds.